In my meditation and relaxation class last Wednesday we explored the subject of concentration and focus. In the eight limbs of yoga (Further information about the limbs of yoga can
In my meditation and relaxation class last Wednesday we explored the subject of concentration and focus. In the eight limbs of yoga (Further information about the limbs of yoga can
On Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of teaching an intimate group of students meditation and relaxation. The class was themed around how to incorporate meditation and relaxation into your
Following on from my last blog I thought I would share some of my experiences as well as my students and friends experiences of going on an actual retreat. Many
Teaching yoga and running my business keeps my mind engaged in a healthy and productive way. Whether I am interacting with students, writing, making videos or putting together content for
In my meditation and relaxation class on Wednesday we explored the subject of how to deal with a difficult situation and how meditation and relaxation can help. If you missed
In my meditation and relaxation class on Wednesday we explored the idea of using affirmations to overcome limiting beliefs and fears. When we start to use affirmations we can overcome
Last Wednesday evening in my meditation and relaxation class we explored the process of using the power of meditation and visualisation to help us create our dreams and goals for
On Wednesday I turned 30 and it felt like I had hit quite a milestone. As I look back at my life a lot has happened and there are still a
With Valentine’s Day just gone, I got thinking about how yoga helped me through my journey to find that special someone. When I was single I felt like I had
Last Saturday saw the first One Day Women’s retreat organised by myself, Karupa Patel and Neesha Radia. The day started with the welcome and registration where all the ladies were
Come and shake off your January blues with an empowering one day retreat with Karupa, Neesha and Jaina. The day will be filled with yoga, meditation, relaxation, a dance performance,
Sometimes we never realise our potential. Often it takes a gentle shift of perception to understand that we can manifest and create our greatest dreams. All it requires is a