While I was in Delhi last week I noticed that the streets are full of people everywhere. In particular the streets are full of men with a few rare sightings of women.

As we know Delhi is often in the news for shocking stories of rape and violence against women. In light of this it seems the city has moved backwards rather than moving forward and women have gone back in doors to take shelter at home. No doubt too scared or fearful to come out of the house.

On the contrary to this while I was in Delhi it was International Women’s Day and there was lots of media and advertising to highlight and mark awareness for the day. As well as this the country seems to be making efforts to ensure the safety of women. I found this more notable on the metro as I rode in the women only carriages which was guarded and felt safe.

However the words of the father of a victim of a fatal gang rape in Delhi further highlight changes that still need to be made;

“We just want to keep her memory alive as long as it’s possible. I know one day people will forget her. But they will remember her death led to changes – changes in the anti-rape laws, a change in consciousness.”

It appears there needs to be an overall shift in consciousness regarding the treatment of women. Not only does this feel significant for Delhi but it is an awareness that can be spread across the world.

I certainly feel there is a subtle energy around women that needs to change within the minds of both men and women and I’m sure with time this change will come to light.

Here are some great pictures I came across of India celebrating International Women’s Day. Its great to see the determination to encourage a new awareness and consciousness! PHOTOS: India celebrates International Women’s Day | The Indian Express

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