Through the practice of yoga, meditation and most importantly yogic relaxation (which is sometimes referred to as yoga nidra or pratyahara) you will be able to let go of the body and the tightness, aches and pains within the body. This will then bring a sense of space and freedom for you to enjoy the soothing sensation of muscles softening and opening.

This will bring you to a place where you will be able to detach from the body and to experience a deep relaxation. It is at this point where there will be an energetic shift which will encourage you to release things you may be holding at a sub conscious level. Therefore at this point within your relaxation just allow yourself to be present to the sensations, energy or tingling within the body. Also be aware of any feelings or emotions that may rise for you and refrain from reacting to them. Trust the process and know that by simply resting and being within this space you will be moving closer to greater health, happiness and peace.

Often in class we relax after meditating which is fine and can be grounding. However in the eight limbs of yoga (Ashtanga), relaxation also known as Pratyahara comes before meditation. The reason for this is because relaxation acts as a bridge from the physical world into our internal world. In relaxation we detach from the physical body and our external world allowing us to then meditate within the quiet space of our internal world which is composed of more subtle entities such as thoughts, emotions and feelings.

I would advise you to incorporate relaxation into a daily practice in a way that suits you and as much as you can practice your relaxation lying on the ground rather than in bed. You can vary your practice from lying down and simply watching the breath for five minutes or you can listen to a guided relaxation for half an hour or even an hour if you wish to go deep into your practice. I will be providing guided relaxations soon so watch this space!

Let me know your thoughts on how you relax and let go as well as any useful tips or suggestions which you can share with the Yoga with Jaina community. Finally my next meditation and relaxation class is on Wednesday 27th April and we will be looking at the practice and power of compassion. Spaces are limited so be sure to book your space here Meditation and Relaxation Class

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