Are you thinking about becoming a yoga teacher? Then here is a question I received from Maureen about yoga teacher training courses which you might be interested in…

Hi Jaina


I’m thinking of taking a year off to train as a yoga teacher.

Do u have any advice on best courses where to start looking – and is India the best in your opinion for a short period..? I know it’s a tough question but would appreciate any advice you have on the matter.

Many thanks in advance.


Hi Maureen,

It is great to hear from you.

I did my yoga teacher training with Neil Patel at Chi Kri Yoga It was a fairly intensive 14 month course and it definitely gives you all the tools you need to learn more about yoga and get deeper into your own practice. Thereafter you will be qualified to go out and teach yoga. I would certainly recommend the course and as far as I am aware Neil is still training new teachers.

India is a great place to learn yoga and there are many different schools. A few I have come across are The Yoga Institute in Mumbai and The Bihar School of Yoga in Bihar. Unfortunately I cannot recommend anything specific as I did my full training here. However I would not advise the short courses as they really do not cover everything and in my personal opinion they do not give people the sufficient guidance, knowledge and understanding to carry out classes in a safe way.

There are so many courses to choose from therefore I would also strongly advise you to find a teacher whom you resonate and connect. Start learning from them in class whilst also developing your own personal yoga practice and then inquire into training courses. This will give you a foundation and grounding you need to become a teacher.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me as I would be happy to help.


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