10 Minute Yoga Ab Workout

Hello and welcome to Yoga with Jaina where I teach you how to practice yoga on and off the yoga mat.

So today we are on the yoga mat and I am going to take you through a ten minute yoga ab workout to strengthen your core. When we work on the core we strengthen the abdominal muscles, the oblique muscles as well as the back muscles. A good strong core will help you to maintain a good posture and to feel physically and mentally strong. Finally when we work with the core you will feel a sense of heat develop in the body as the core is the fire centre. This aids digestion and also develops mental fire, passion, determination and motivation. So this is a great physical and mental workout!

Ensure you are practicing on an empty stomach and I would advise you to do a short warm up before going into these postures. You can use my warm up video here to help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_UaT

Postures include
– Boat pose (navasana) with variations
– Bridge pose (setubandhasana)
– Wind releasing pose (pavanmuktasana)
– Squat (Malasana)
– Candle pose (deepasana)
– Plank pose
– Four limbed staff pose (chaturanga dandasana)
– Sphinx pose (salamba bhujangasana)
– Dolphin pose (ardha pincha mayurasana)
– Thunderbolt pose (vajrasana)
– Butterfly pose (baddha konasana)
– Churning the mill (Chakki Chalan Asana)
– Spinal column pose (merudandasana)
– Camel pose (ustrasana)
– Child pose (balasana)

I hope you enjoy this video and be sure to share it with your friends, to subscribe to my you tube channel and follow me on facebook, twitter and Instagram. Please leave your comments and questions below and also sign up to my newsletter here http://eepurl.com/bS-tgT for more inspiring yoga information.


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