A new year brings the opportunity for a new start. We also have the same opportunity with every new breath, a new day or a new month. Over the last couple of years I have particularly enjoyed following the Moon cycle and the new opportunity that every New Moon brings each month too. If you don’t know anything about the Moon cycle I highly recommend looking into Kirsty Gallagher and in particular her journal prompts for the Moon cycle.
The concept of starting a fresh feels so alluring and something that I am embracing. However in order to start a fresh I have had to revisit and hold space for my past. Without acknowledging myself in this manner I know I cannot move forward. Revisiting old memories, wounds and unprocessed emotions through journaling, counselling, meditation and breath awareness I feel that I have been able to let go of the past. Without this depth of observation and awareness I know moving forward would come with a weight and heaviness. Our life lessons are essential to the growth of our soul and its evolution. This sense of then being able to study the Self also known as Svadhyaha in yoga brings through a great internal strength.
As I navigate life being a single mum the life lessons I learnt during my marriage and especially after my marriage has really been a process of soul evolution and a real journey to love. One of the greatest lessons I learnt was overcoming the deepest feeling of loneliness. Not only did I experience loneliness being single but also this sense of isolation from society. I now had to navigate my life with this label as being separated and divorced which unfortunately comes with so much stigma in society. However in parallel to this as loneliness left me feeling unable to look to anyone or anything outside of myself the only way for me was to go inside. I am grateful that I had a yoga, self care and spiritual practice which I could turn to overcome these feelings. It took a long time but eventually I found out that actually I am not alone. I am never alone. In fact I have an army of support.
So what does this support look like? First of all it’s being able to connect to my intuition to listen to the voice of my higher Self. That voice can sometimes sound like that of a nurturing mother reassuring you and comforting you. It can also be a more specific voice of guidance almost giving me clear instructions of what to do even if it feels like the most scariest thing to do. I also see the ‘face’ behind that higher voice being that of Ancestors, Angels, Guru and Spirit Guides. I believe we all have this inner support, perhaps you could call it a network of support that can hold, help and guide you when life gets difficult. Also when life is going well we can turn to that support with the deepest gratitude and love.
Though the last few years have been tough I feel that 2024 is like a rebirth and a whole new book that I am ready to write with a new narrative. I feel so grateful that I get this new opportunity to start again and find a new love. Love for myself and a love for life. 2024 feels exciting with endless opportunities and experiences. I can’t wait for this year to unfold and I can’t wait to share the experience with you. If you got to the end of this blog thank you so much for taking the time to read it and let me know in the comments what you are most excited about for the year ahead and what does your army of support look like to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and I wish you an amazing 2024!