Crow Pose

Recently in my public yoga classes I have been working on guiding my students through the crow pose. Therefore I decided to create this video so you can practice safely at home. The crow pose is an advanced yoga posture and I would recommend this pose if you have been practicing yoga for some time.

The pose is also an arm balance so be sure to practice poses such as downward facing dog, plank pose and chaturangadandasana as well as core workout poses such as the boat pose. This will help to strengthen the body and prepare you for the crow.

As well as crow pose this video also guides you through the side crow pose which is a variation. Make sure you do a warm up before going through this video.

The crow pose requires patience and practice. It can can be quite scary to come into the crow therefore this pose allows us to move through our fears to become stronger not just physically but mentally too!

Let me know how you get on and please share this video with your family, friends and anyone else who may be interested.

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