One of the hardest things about being a single parent is trying to organise a holiday. Solo travelling with kids is quite challenging and one of my main concerns about it is if anything was to happen to me, my kids would be alone and vulnerable in a foreign country.
With this awareness I knew I had to find a holiday that would give me some ease so I decided to choose Dubai. It was the perfect place as there is guaranteed sunshine, there are so many amazing kid-friendly hotels as well as loads of things to see and do. The bonus about Dubai is that my best friend Neesha lives out there too.
So after years of not travelling abroad I could finally make the journey out there and get back to doing what my soul loves to do which is travelling, exploring and adventuring into new spaces.
As I reflect back this week I really want to celebrate the achievement of making the trip happen. I’ll admit it wasn’t the most relaxing trip and the weight of responsibility is huge. However I did find pockets of joy when I was lying in the sea while the girls played in the sand. For a moment I felt a release and allowed myself to be held by the water. I think as mothers that is something that we crave…. to be held and nurtured.
This reminded me of a private yoga class I taught recently where I put a blanket over my student in the relaxation. My client said she found that strange but nice as she is also a mother and is usually the one putting the blankets over her children. Likewise when I teach my private pregnancy clients the one thing I advocate is really comforting the expectant mother in the relaxation with blankets, cushions and affirmations so that they can be held in the space.
I also found so much peace in the desert. I really enjoyed just sitting in the sand, enjoying the stillness and practicing the art of being. The vast expanse of the desert was beautiful and something I would really recommend if you are thinking of visiting Dubai. Next time I go I want to camp in the desert and really feel and experience the energy of the desert in a deeper way.
Finally we spent Diwali in Dubai with Neesha who facilitated a Chopra Puja which is a ceremony to bless financial and spiritual books. It is often done by business owners but anyone can do it as it is beneficial for your own spiritual purpose. The puja is something I have always seen my parents do every Diwali but this year it was nice to do it myself.
I am really excited about my business Yoga with Jaina and the direction it is heading over the next few months and into 2025. I have something exciting that I will be announcing soon and I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of this journey with me.
As always I love to share my journey with you and I hope that in some way it can inspire you to lead a life that is true, authentic and aligned to your Soul.