“To Travel is to Take a Journey Into Yourself”
~ Danny Kaye

As many of you know I am organising a retreat and I wanted to share a personal story of why I wanted to combine teaching yoga with travel…
For most of my life I have travelled a lot and had the opportunity to visit amazing countries such as India, Bali, St Lucia and many European countries too. Travel has always given me the opportunity to experience fun and adventure and many of my journeys have had a deep spiritual impact on me too. In the process of exploring the world, meeting new people, seeing different cultures and eating exotic foods I have learnt a lot. I feel that travel allows me to expand my mind and see life in a different perspective. 

However over the last few years I have had to cut back on travelling for various reasons which has made me feel… almost disconnected from a part of myself. This made me realise how important travel was to me and my own personal growth. The world is full of beauty and joy and sometimes we just have to get ourselves out there to embrace it in all its glory. I now realise the value of travel and how it can have a great positive impact on my health and wellbeing.

Therefore I decided to organise a retreat not just for my own personal gain but to also share the great benefits of travel with my students too. I also feel that a retreat gives a holiday purpose and meaning and rather than just being a tourist you really can be a traveller… a traveller of the world and a traveller into your own soul!

Here are a few pictures from my travel albums with my husband. We both love being outdoors and especially being close to mountains and the water as it really feels nourishing and healing.

I would love to add some pictures of you all into my travel albums too and I hope you can join me in our upcoming Yoga and Wellbeing Retreat in Italy. There are only FOUR spaces remaining and be sure to book by this Sunday when the early bird discount ends!

To remind you here are the details of this great package…

5 Nights/6 Days – 15 to 20 June 2017 


Return flights from London airport with checked baggage  

All local transportation  

5 nights in en-suite twin shared  accommodation in countryside

Daily healthy breakfast, 5 dinners &  3 lunches  

Morning & evening Yoga & Meditation sessions          

Food & Diet workshops  

Complementary 30 min personal nutrition 121, (subject to availability, booking required)

Two local excursions & much more! 

If you would like to join me hit click here now! And please do share this opportunity with your friends and family too.

Make that journey into yourself with the power of travel, adventure and of course yoga!

With all my love,

Jaina x

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