Thank you for booking a place on my class. Please now read the terms and conditions below and fill out your health form.
Thank you for joining me in experiencing the many benefits that yoga can bring to you. I kindly ask that you take a few moments to fill in the information below and read through the following points. This allows a clear and mutual understanding of the structure and set up of yoga classes with Jaina. For any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
- Please refrain from eating at least two hours before the class. Posture work involves a lot of movement and therefore we do not wish to disturb the digestive system while it is functioning.
- In order to ensure comfort please wear light loose clothing to allow the body to move comfortably. Also bring a warm jacket/ blanket for the relaxation. Remove any jewellery, watches or other metallic items to avoid injury.
- Please take care of your yoga mat and respect it for the personal space that it provides you with. Students are advised to bring their own yoga mat. If a student forgets their mat, a mat can be hired for £1 and this is based on a first come first serve basis. Mats can also be purchased please contact me in advance should you wish to purchase a mat.
- At times photographs and videos will be taken in class for media and marketing purposes. In signing this form you consent to being in any photographs or videos taken in class.
- Please keep a copy of this form for your reference.
Payments and Cancellations
- Payments can be made in cash or online on the website.
- If payment is made in advance online then the first class must be taken within two weeks of the purchase.
I understand that the activity I am pursuing with Jaina and any instructors standing in for Jaina is voluntary. I acknowledge that participation in yoga classes exposes me to a possible risk of injury. I am fully aware of that risk and I therefore agree that the teacher, any replacement instructor or host facility does not accept any liability for negligence or other claims arising from or in any way connected with my participation in a yoga class, included but not limited to personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged before, during or after the class.
By completing this form it acknowledges that I will take responsibility for my health and wellbeing in relation to yoga classes and I will work within the realms of my own comfort whilst progressing at my own pace. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, adjust the posture and ask for support from the teacher. If at any point I feel overexertion or fatigue, I will respect my body’s limitations and I will rest before continuing with the yoga practice.
I understand that yoga may help my well-being but it is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended under certain medical conditions therefore it is my responsibility to consult a physician prior to practicing yoga. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to notify my teacher of any serious illness/medical condition/injury or physical condition before every yoga class.
Nothing in this disclaimer shall limit or exclude any liability that is not permitted under applicable law. Should any provisions of this disclaimer be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions shall remain valid and enforceable and the disclaimer shall remain in full force and effect. The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this disclaimer.
This information will be kept confidential by the instructor and is used solely to make modifications in class. By completing the form below I confirm that I have read and fully understand the above contents, and I also confirm that I am completing this agreement voluntarily.
Thank you and Aum Shanti