
Do you believe in magic? 

On Saturday 13th July I went to the Happy Place Festival and something really magical happened….

To begin myself and my friend Neesha did a Tapping workshop with Poppy Delbridge. That really started the journey of raising my energy and I truly felt like I was on a bit of a high after the session. 

Afterwards we did an Art of Affirmations workshop with Lauren Bouche. We were asked to pull Affirmations out of a jar and I pulled out the affirmation…. 

I am worthy of investing in myself.

When I chose the affirmation I intuitively felt that this was a significant affirmation for me. 

Thereafter we did a breathing workshop with Richard Bostock aka The Breath Guy. In the guided relaxation we were asked to think of someone we were grateful for and I couldn’t pick one person so I chose my two girls. The vision I had for them was so clear and I really started to feel a deep sense of gratitude for them. So much so tears started rolling out of my eyes. 

A couple of Instagram posts back I wrote about gratitude so it felt ironic that I really started to feel it in my heart. 

Afterwards we went on to do some shopping where I thought yes I can put my affirmation to work and start investing in myself! 

When we were browsing the stalls I came across this beautiful pendant. It really stood out to me and the brand The Recognised Store had labelled this pendant motherhood to recognise all the mothers out there. 

I really loved the pendant but wasn’t sure whether to get it or not. So I thought let’s have a think about it. 

Thereafter we went to a yoga class with Richieno Norton. It was such a beautiful practice and in the relaxation I kept thinking about the pendant. So I just said to the Universe if I should get the pendant please give me a sign. 

Feeling all relaxed after the yoga class we went back to the stall and I just thought maybe I should try on the necklace and see how it felt. While I was trying it on Neesha asked Aneeka the owner of The Recognised Store why she started the brand. Her story started off with a dream she had and as she started telling me the dream that was my sign! I’ll let you follow Aneeka on Instagra @recognisedstore and ask her about the dream but the dream was so significant to me that once again tears started rolling down my eyes. 

I realised that the Universe had recognised me and the journey I have been on since becoming a mother. 

In that moment I felt recognised. I felt that my challenges as a mother and more so as a single mum had been recognised. I felt seen, heard, recognised and rewarded for all the inner work I have had to do on myself to be who I am today. 

The last few years have been so tough but I am truly grateful for the inner lessons I have learnt and the battles I have overcome. Outwardly I may not look like a success but I really feel a true understanding of what success is to me.

This necklace means so much to me. It’s almost like a medal of recognition. Thank you Aneeka for being a vessel to deliver that Divine message. 

If you have read this far thank you for seeing me, hearing me and following my journey. I am truly grateful for you. 

Also I encourage you to see the signs that the Universe sends and let me know in the comments if you have received any special messages. I would love to know.

Jaina x

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