Following on from my last video I will be taking your through a restorative practice today but this time we will be using props to assist us in the poses. Props are a great way to feel supported which encourages us to relax and to gain a deeper stretch within the body.
So for this video you will need an empty wall, some cushions a yoga bolster and an eye bag. If you don’t have a yoga bolster you can use large cushions and if you don’t have an eye pillow you can use an eye mask such as the ones given when you are flying over night!
Also keep a blanket or a shawl handy in order to keep you warm as you hold the postures. Finally be sure to practice in a warm room where you will not be disturbed!
Postures in this video include;
Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)
Soft twist on the bolster
Lying over the bolster in diamond pose
Lying over the bolster with the legs extended
Child pose (Balasana) on the bolster
Relaxation (Savasana)
Savasana with cushions
I hope you enjoyed the practice. I love to hear your thoughts and comments so let me know how you feel after going through this restorative practice.
Please also share this video with your friends and family and subscribe to my you tube channel for more videos coming soon!
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