With Valentine’s Day around the corner I have put together three quick tips on how yoga can help you to create a memorable Valentine’s Day with your special someone.  As many of you know I practice yoga as a way of life. Therefore I use the lessons I learn on my yoga mat into my daily life including my relationships. I hope you can draw on your yoga practice to enhance your relationships too and let me know how you get on!

  • Practice partner yoga

Partner yoga is a great way to connect with each other especially if you both share an interest in yoga. However even if you don’t share the interest but your partner is willing to have a go then you can use partner yoga to help stretch and relax each other. This is a great way to start your Valentine’s Day together.

Check out this great video series from Be Fit on You Tube where you can easily follow the teachers though the sequence whilst you and your partner practice in the comfort of your own home.

  • Be present

Being present does not just have to be an act carried out on your yoga mat once a day or once a week when you are holding a specific yoga pose. In fact you can practice being present with each and every moment and it is an incredibly useful practice during special occasions such as Valentine’s Day.

If you are with your partner and thinking about a hundred and one other things that you need to be doing then you really will miss out on appreciating the presence of your partner.  A great way to really enjoy each other’s company is to spend time together, to be fully present and in the moment. Therefore take the time to look at them, make eye contact, listen to what they are saying and notice their movements and gestures.  Be aware of your breath and can you also be aware of your partner’s breath too. This is a great way to connect with each other and it also allows you the opportunity to let go of the rest of the world as you fall into a relaxed space of simply being.

  • Use the power of touch to open up your heart

Being intimate with your partner is obviously an excellent way to spend Valentine’s day  however the power of touch whether it’s a kiss and a cuddle or something more is a great way to stimulate the heart centre also known as the Anahata Chakra.

When we stimulate this chakra it can help us to connect to pure feelings such as unconditional love and joy. In the moments when your heart chakra opens, you as well as your partner will experience the power of these pure feelings together. This will enhance your relationship on a physical, energetic and spiritual level too.

Wishing you a wonderfully romantic day with your loved one!

To book a class with me in Northwood or Radlett click Public Yoga Classes.

happiness,joy,love,memorable,northwood,partner yoga,power of touch,present,radlett,touch,valentine’s day,Yoga


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