Dreaming & Believing in 2020

Towards the end of last year I journaled around what I had achieved and created in 2019 and a big part of that was becoming a working mum. It really does feel satisfying to be able to do the two most important jobs of raising a child and teaching yoga. At times it really is a dream come true and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. I do struggle to keep on top of it all but in and amongst the busyness and craziness I somehow seem to be managing it and that feels satisfying.

After journaling around 2019 I then started to set some intentions for 2020. This has given me some clarity and focus for what I would like to achieve in the next year as well as the next decade. So following the clarity and vision I have found at the start of this year I wanted to share some tips on how you too can sieve through the chattering thoughts of the mind to find crystal concepts and ideas that can help you to make your dreams come true.

Journal, journal and journal some more…

Research has shown that writing down our thoughts and emotions can heal the body and mind. Journaling also improves our productivity therefore if you have certain goals and intentions you would like to achieve write them down and more importantly write down how you feel about the goal. This will help you to find complete clarity and focus on what needs to be done to create your goals. I often start journaling by writing down the words ‘I feel….’ this then helps me to open up and address what I am feeling. Writing down my feelings is a release which then creates space for me to create.

Talk about your dreams, desires and goals to people you trust…

When we vocalise our intentions it brings a new perspective on what we would like to create. This has a similar affect as journaling. The power of the voice brings our thoughts into a new dimension and space which brings further clarity to what we would like to achieve.

Meditate and visualise your dreams coming true…

This is something I struggle with espcially if things are feeling foggy. However if I have journaled and talked through my ideas it becomes easier to see my dream and more importantly it starts to feel possible.

Relax and let it go…

So often we can become fixated on achieving a goal or intention so this is when we need to practice releasing the dream and instead allowing a space for knowing in our heart that the dream is manifesting. This also requires a level of trust that the universe is supporting you.

I hope these tips help you to make 2020 an incredible year.

I also want to remind you that we all have something within us that is special, unique and beautiful which often shines through us when we follow our dreams. When we park our dreams to the side we deny ourselves the opportunity to live a life that we so deserve.

So here’s to dreaming and believing in you!

Lots of love,

Jaina x

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