As the year comes to a close I thought it would be wise to reflect on the last twelve months and put into place some positive intentions for the year ahead.

Over the last year there have been lots of changes and achievements which have come on the back of some deep soul searching and internal hard work. During the years of 2010 to 2013 I went through a period of subtle solitude and inner reflection. It was a difficult time and I experienced deep self realisations and internal lessons.

The experience allowed me to grow as well as build the foundations for my purpose and journey in life. This in turn then gave me the strength and energy to pursue my dreams, goals and desires.

In the last year with the help of others I have organised two one day women’s retreats, given my first public talk at the Asian Women Means Business group, ran a workshop, had my first published article in Asians UK magazine and continued my regular public and private yoga classes.

As well as this my personal life and spiritual life have actively developed too. I got married this year and bought my first home with my husband and I became initiated by the Self Realisation Fellowship in Kriya Yoga.

However whilst achieving these goals and desires there were moments where my attention was so external I lost sight of myself and my beliefs. This caused me to become ungrounded which had an effect on my health and wellbeing. Therefore once again I had to withdraw and listen to my body and soul.

In order to connect to myself and to feel healthy, stable and grounded I started to work on deeper relaxations which allowed my energy to settle. I also started to slow down and say no. This is difficult when you have such a strong desire to go out, experience the world and share what you know with others. However I have realised that slowing down and learning to be patient, will preserve my energy so that I can keep going without burning out!

So as I look to 2015 I hope that I can keep practicing the art of patience and luckily I am married to a man who is extremely patient and is my inspiration! As well as this I will work on deeper relaxations so that my body can heal, repair and energise allowing me to become more productive. Finally I will work on my daily Kriya yoga practice to burn past karma and to allow my soul to evolve.

If you have or feel a deep purpose in life which you would like to pursue then I would advise you to go out there and follow your dreams. However don’t sacrifice your health and wellbeing, instead ensure that you put into place a time to regularly relax and re-energise your body whether that is through yoga or some other form that resonates with you. Finally find some time to meditate as it will keep you connected with a deeper part of yourself which will help and guide you through the journey of life.

Wishing you all health and happiness for 2015!

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