If you missed my last meditation and relaxation class on how the practice of meditation can create happy and healthy relationships here are some useful notes.

From my own experience of studying and practicing yoga and meditation I have learnt that people come into our lives for a reason. Also depending on your past karma people will come into your life to share the journey and some people may have a greater impact on you which may serve your spiritual growth.

Often the people who come into our life who we dislike and perhaps cannot run away from have the greatest lessons for us. It is in these relationships that we often have to become stronger. For example we may have to learn to love ourselves more in order to stop people treating us badly or we may have to practice compassion and empathy to ourselves as well as the person who is being negative towards us.

I believe that the people around us are also a mirror of ourselves. For example if someone goes out of their way to do something kind it is because we are kind people and we deserve kindness. Now it may be easy to see ourselves as reflections of each other when something positive happens to us but what happens if we attract someone into our life who treats us badly? Are they still a reflection of ourselves?

Well yes… even the people we dislike are a reflection of ourselves. For example perhaps you are around someone who is really bossy and all you can think about in your mind is how bossy and irritating they are. When you become aware of this dislike about someone it is time to questions yourself….. Where am I being bossy? Where am I irritating people or myself?

If someone is affecting you so much it is likely that you are projecting yourself onto them. This person is in your life to trigger these thoughts, feelings and emotions for you. When you can recognise this and bring it back to yourself you can then release the energy and charge. Also when we can make a positive change to our own energy this will affect the people around us too. This also leads us to let go of blame and instead we step into our own power.

I often use the affirmation ‘I am You’ to recognise the parts of myself that exist within the other person. It is great to do this in your meditation whilst visualising that person. When we can recognise ourselves in others it allows our heart to be more open to compassion and empathy to others. It also allows us to recognise that we are all one and when we realise we are all connected this leads to healthier and happier relationships.  

For more information about this subject I highly recommend the book ‘The Dark Side of the Light Chasers’ by Debbie Ford.

The next meditation and relaxation class will be on Wednesday 26th July 2017. This month we will look at the practice of journaling and how it is a useful tool for clearing the mind to aid your meditation and relaxation practice. Please bring a notebook and pen and reserve your space here

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