“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead
I am so…. sooooo very pleased to announce that I will be teaching back in Bushey again this coming October. My new class will be on Monday Evenings at 8pm to 9.30pm at the Niland Conference Centre. Further details about this class will be coming soon and to register your interest please email jainamistrypatel@gmail.com.
Over the last year I have been focussing on motherhood which has taught me so much about myself and life. I’ve had so many internal realisations through the process which has changed me at a deep internal level. This has changed my approach to yoga and my teaching practice and I’m really looking forward to sharing this deeper connection I have with my soul through my teaching.
Along with motherhood we also moved house and these major life changes forced me to let go of teaching. Through the process of letting go I experienced many different feelings such as loss and grief for the classes which I had built up and nurtured over the last ten years. However this gave me a new perspective on just how valuable and important my classes mean to me. Therefore it is with greater clarity in my mind and heart that I am returning to teach in Bushey.
Coming back to teach in Bushey does come with its challenges… I have a longer commute and I need to make sure I feed, bathe and put Vanaya to sleep before I leave to teach 🙂 However I know how much teaching yoga means to me and though my life has been so full and abundant over the last year there was still a sense of something missing. I feel that my heart is calling out to teach a group yoga class again.
So I also asked myself why not start a yoga class in my local home town in Chesham? The idea did cross my mind but it didn’t resonate in my heart.

Also the group energy that I have built up over the last few years in Bushey isn’t something you can simply replace. Its quite unique. Alongside this it is often hard to find a good space to teach yoga. And if you have been to one of my classes at the Niland Centre you will know just how special the centre is in cultivating a deep sense of peace which can enhance your yoga practice immensley.
For any of my old students from Northwood wondering why I am not restarting classes in Northwood I did also pursue this option. However unfortunately the hall was unavailable and I have been unable to find another suitable space in the area. If you know a space that can be used for yoga please do let me know. Alternatively please do join me at the new class in Bushey which is just a ten to fifteen minute drive away.
So once again please register your interest by emailing jainamistrypatel@gmail.com and I look forward to seeing you on the mat 🙂

Lots of love,
Jaina x