Last weekend I watched Sir David Attenborough’s documentary A Life on Our Planet which is basically Sir David’s witness statement to what appears to be the slow decline of our planet but really the slow decline of the human race.
We’re all aware that climate change is a huge international problem and that some major changes need to take place. We’re aware that rainforests are being demolished to herd cattle for the human desire to eat meat. We’re aware that the extent of plastic is killing the wildlife in the sea. We’re all aware because it has become such a prevalent issue over the last few years and will continue to be discussed and explored so that we can go back to creating a more sustainable life.
What I found to be most profound in the documentary is that despite us destroying the environment Mother Earth always has a way of restoring herself and coming back to life. This was demonstrated when Sir David visited the Chernobyl site. However, if we continue to destroy the planet we will not have the resources we need to survive. Thus leading to the decline and destruction of our own species! I feel so sad just writing that. It hurts to think that in my daughter Vanaya’s lifetime the Earth won’t be the same and our ability to keep the human race alive is diminishing.
Sir David Attenborough mentioned that the human species is very intelligent but we need to use that intelligence wisely. We need to develop our wisdom. This is why I decided to write this blog. We all have the ability to tap into our wisdom. From my own personal experience, the path of yoga, meditation and self-care has really allowed me to feel the rise of my own wisdom.
Through this path I’ve also felt the innate connection to Mother Earth. That practising yoga and healing myself will inevitably affect the people, the world and the Earth around me too. I still have a lot to do and the desire to make more conscious decisions and choices is definitely a strong part of my awareness.
I also asked myself the question “Why?”. Why do we need to save the Human Race? This is a big question and from my spiritual understanding, our souls are evolving. Our souls are evolving towards God. We are reincarnated lifetime after lifetime so that we can refine our Selves and make that journey back to God. However, if there is no opportunity to live and evolve we can’t make that journey back home.
These are just my thoughts and opinions which I am still exploring. You may have different thoughts about this which you are more than welcome to share in the comments below.
In the meantime, I hope that you can start or continue your practice of self-development through yoga, meditation, self-care or any other practice that develops your wisdom. The small steps you make are contributing to the large steps we need to take together in order to save ourselves.
With love, light and wisdom,
Jaina x
Liforme yoga mat featured in the image is made from natural rubber (a renewable resource) and a completely unique and proprietary specially engineered form of polyurethane (our top surface) that is completely biodegradable within approximately one to five years in normal landfill conditions. If you like the yoga mat feature you can grab yourself a 10% discount using my special code LL-ZEE25R8J.
Sage green lounge set is made from recycled fabrics from ,,Nasty Gal.