Staycations, Roadtrips & Celebrations

September is a big month of celebrations with Vanaya’s birthday and our anniversary so we decided to take some time off. With staycations all the rage and basically the safest option for travelling with kids we decided to embrace the opportunity and we’re currently on the last phase of our roadtrip through Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. 

Vanaya is now two and travelling with a toddler has been pretty intense! She loves to explore and be adventurous and her energy levels are sky high. If she sees an open door she will run through it and the world is her oyster. 

I love these characteristics about her but my energy levels can’t keep up! And I am sure any parent out there can probably relate. It is definitely testing my inner calm and I’m really having to let go and embrace Vanaya’s options and choices even though I have other ideas in mind. 

Stepping away from home and away from my daily routine can knock me and I also lose sight of my yoga and meditation practice. Also I’m sure many of you out there may relate and feel unable to commit to your practice during busy times of celebrations or travelling. However there are a few tips I can share with you which have helped me whilst travelling with an active toddler…  

Stay in the present moment

Absorbing each and every moment is so important because during times of celebration and travels you are creating memeories that will last for ever and no doubt you may never experience these moments again. 

Take a yoga mat/ travel yoga mat 

Set the intention of doing a practice even though it may not happen every day. I find a quick ten minute stretch in the hotel is sometimes all I need to get me through the day. Also if you practice yoga regularly anyway it is already instilled within you so you may find it very natural to include some sort of practice into your day even though it may not look like your usual full length session. 

Be in nature

Moments in nature will ground your energy and connect you back to yourself and the present moment. We have done some amazing walks on the beach, driven over the rolling hills of Dartmoor National Park and seen a beautiful waterfall. These experiences make it worthwhile and it overides the stress of organising a trip away. Also if I’m really honest I was reluctant to go away at first as I knew it would be hard work. When you have a toddler you don’t really get the full relaxing experience. However you have to take it when it comes even if its just for a moment!

Let go of what isn’t in your control

This is a big one especially if you have planned a big celebration/trip and you have a certain expection of it going a certain way. However if something happens that you cannot control then it is best to let go and go with the flow rather than stess out or become anxious.

Don’t beat yourself up

Following on from my last point when things do take a different direction and you have to let go of taking control don’t beath yourself up about what you should, could or would have done differently. The past is in the past and its best to just get your focus back into the present with a sense of conviction in knowing that you are doing your very best. 

I hope these tips come in handy for you as they have done for me!


Jaina x

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