So the summer holidays are here and many people are off on their travels. So I wanted to put together a few quick yoga tips to help you during your time away. Here are some useful stretches and techniques for long flights, practicing in the hotel as well as on the beach. These are a great way to incorporate yoga into your holiday to really make sure you feel relaxed and refreshed!

  1. Whilst on your flight work with these simple stretches to help circulate the blood allowing you to have a more relaxing and enjoyable flight…. (Click the picture for further useful information).
  2. When you arrive at the hotel take the opportunity to work through a passive practice. This does not require too much energy and will help you to start your holiday in a relaxed state of mind….
  1. Finally it is time to hit the beach and the best sequence to practice on the beach in the sunshine is off course the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)! Follow this link for useful video explanations and guidance on the sun salutation.

Also remember to keep hydrated and drink plenty of water. Make sure you drink water on the flight too….yes it may mean that you will have to visit the bathroom often, however this will give you the opportunity to get up and stretch your legs! Happy Holidays! 

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