How to Cleanse your Home to Enhance your Yoga Practice
In this episode I share some useful tips to cleanse your home which can really help you to find a sense of calm and ease in your body and mind.
In this episode I share some useful tips to cleanse your home which can really help you to find a sense of calm and ease in your body and mind.
In this episode I explore how yoga can work through the body, mind and heart to access the soul. When we can access the soul we can live a life
In this episode of my podcast I share my experience of the post natal/ post partum period which is also often referred to as the fourth trimester. I include how
In this podcast I share a very honest and candid review of my experience of 2020 and how I have changed my mind set to focus on the achievements rather
In this podcast I share my experience of the third trimester of pregnancy which may inspire or help you too if you are or know someone who is pregnant. I
In this podcast I invited my private one to one client Sonal Dack to have a conversation about Yoga. nnWe are both passionate about yoga and could probably talk about
In this podcast I share my experience of the Chakras and energy and how you can utilise them for greater health and wellbeing.
In this podcast I share my experience of the second trimester of pregnancy. nnI explore how I adapted my yoga practice to accommodate the changes that were occurring in my
In this podcast I share my experience of the first trimester of pregnancy. nnI explore how I adapted my yoga practice to accomodate the changes that were occuring in my
In this podcast I share the various benefits to practising yoga during pregnancy that can help you and your baby.
Discover the importance of becoming aware of your breath
Tips on self care practices to incorporate into your life alongside a yoga practice.