
Is this video I share my thoughts and opinions on Karma based on my own experience and what I have learnt through studying and practicing yoga.

Karma is a

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The Yogic Breath

Hello I am so sorry I haven’t uploaded a video for a while however I have been really busy organising a retreat that I am hosting in Italy in June.

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In my meditation and relaxation class last Wednesday we explored the subject of concentration and focus. In the eight limbs of yoga (Further information about the limbs of yoga can

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Lazy Day Yoga Stretch

This is a perfect easy workout which requires little effort and can be used on those days when you have been chilling out on the sofa over the Christmas holidays

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Crow Pose

Recently in my public yoga classes I have been working on guiding my students through the crow pose. Therefore I decided to create this video so you can practice safely

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Following on from my last blog I thought I would share some of my experiences as well as my students and friends experiences of going on an actual retreat. Many

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Teaching yoga and running my business keeps my mind engaged in a healthy and productive way. Whether I am interacting with students, writing, making videos or putting together content for

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